Why Successful People are Accused of Being Cocky

My friends, We have all seen it. That person you went to high school or college with gets a high profile job, becomes a professional athlete, or simply works his/her ass off and becomes rich and here come the haters. Sure, they get their fair share of fake love or...

The 7 Ways to Succeed in 2020

Hello Friends,  As we enter a new year, you will for sure hear about everyone's bullshit resolutions that they never keep.   Year after year they promise themselves change only to let themselves down. The next year, they make the same empty promises again, and...

What Has Happened to the Modern Man? Masculine Doesn’t Mean Lazy!

This is going to hurt a lot of people's feelings, and it should. I may tear you down, but I will always build you back up. Smarter, stronger, better. Hang in there with me. Yes the title is attention grabbing, it's meant to be. It's not the usual nonsense you are used...

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