
We often think of the beginning as the start of something new… this is not always the case.

Sometimes the beginning just reveals something that has been going on for a very long while. Something that is unique, well crafted, that has been fermenting for years, and you are just now tasting its robust flavor for the very first time.

That is… THIS BLOG.

Evolving day-by-day, week-by-week, year-by-year… the experiences I have compiled are nothing short of multifarious.

There will be a wide range of topics discussed on this blog. Topics that are beneficial no matter your age, sex, or nationality. Please keep an open mind as some topics may seem somewhat controversial if you have never experienced them for yourself.

Personal development, business knowledge, fine dining/adult beverages, athleticism/weight lifting, county life, city life, fashion, and love for the great US of A will all be covered.

Please read “New? Start Here!” for a more detailed overview of what this blog is all about.

We are here to have fun, but its only fun when you win. Are you with me?

Keep it up,

Jet Sunvale – The Backwoods Boulevardier