This is going to hurt a lot of people’s feelings, and it should.

I may tear you down, but I will always build you back up. Smarter, stronger, better. Hang in there with me.

Yes the title is attention grabbing, it’s meant to be. It’s not the usual nonsense you are used to hearing though, that I can promise you. Let’s get started!

Feminine and Masculine traits date back to the beginning of time, and those that designate which traits are masculine and which are feminine date back just as far.

Some of those people are right, the majority are wrong.

The problem is, over time the line has been blurred. It has been blurred so much so that the simple things a masculine, straight, man should do to take care of himself have been categorized as feminine, metrosexual, or even homosexual.

I have actually seen a man point at another man and say, “That guy is either gay or rich!”

Wait, WHAT???

Let me be the first (hopefully not the first) to tell you… Labelling is never good. Don’t do it to others. Don’t do it to yourself. Entrepreneurs know this better than anyone. Labels hamper creativity!

So how come the gentleman who is well groomed and well dressed is all of a sudden labelled? One word my friends: Insecurity.

The insecurity of others runs deep. We all know that you do not have to be either “gay or rich” to exercise proper hygiene or dress rakish or refined.

With all the clothing lines out there now you can look like a million bucks for only $100, and sometimes cheaper, head to toe! If fashion isn’t your thing, that’s fine. Start searching the web. DON’T BE LAZY!!!

People will try their best to cast a negative light on something they believe they will never be able to achieve.  Remember that, it will guide you around the naysayers.

So why do so many men now days take the lazy route? Well, most are scared.

They are scared they don’t know what they are doing. Some are scared of what their friends/family will think. Some are even scared of their own success or looking better than their friends. Can you believe that? I can. It happens to all of us in one or more points of our lives. Get over it and jump.

Some are born not giving a shit what others think.  They have it a bit easier. The rest of you will have to make this move the way you make any move. You just do it and don’t look back. The long term payoff will be well worth it.


So, you’ve finally jumped. You’re ready to be rakish, refined, and a little rugged around the edges.  Now, how does this translate into RESULTS in all aspects of your life? Listen up, here we go.

Let’s think logically on this for a minute… first date or job interview… which one do you want to look better for? If you guessed one or the other you failed miserably. The answer is equally as presentable for both!

Looking the part is not just reserved for one occasion or another. It now applies to all occasions that could be potentially be life changing.  Doors open all the time, but they slam in your face faster.

Every time you are out in public you should always be well maintained.  You never know when you could run into your future business parter or your future wife. Don’t fuck either up by looking like a slob!

Your drive to take care of yourself reflects your drive in all areas of your life such as your career and valuing your relationships with friends, family and significant others.

The first scenario: You are a gentleman and you are pursuing a fairly well put together lady. She’s put together mentally, physically, and every other way you desire (envision whatever it is you like, different strokes for different folks).

What do you expect she is going to look for in you? “I hope he is sloppy and rarely bathes/shaves and just wears the first thing he grabs out of the dryer that’s clean.”, said no women EVER.

It sounds so obvious when I say it, but why do so many men waltz through life this way and wonder why there are zero RESULTS???

I don’t think I have to elaborate on this any further. Don’t be lazy and don’t be a slob or else your woman will reflect it!

Women are going to want someone who looks the part. This is what gets you the date. You must give off the “hey, I’m worth your time” vibe.  Don’t miss your opportunity because you failed to set yourself up for success.

The second scenario: You are going for a job interview. You wear something casual, but nothing that is a game changer. You are not dressed to impress. Your are not ready to attack. You MUST be on the attack at all times. If you’re always on offense, you never have to play defense.

Got it? Good.

Did you know that the person interviewing you will actually ask you different questions and change their attitude/demeanor toward you based on how you are dressed???

Your attire is the easy part of the interview. It’s like getting points on the test for spelling your name correctly. It’s a no-brainer. It’s your chance to establish your dominance before you speak a word or before you shake a hand.


Your look determines your attitude. Your attitude determines your demeanor. Your demeanor determines your performance. Your performance determines your pay.

My friends, you now have your base and are headed in the right direction. I can hype you up as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day the it’s up to you and only you. No one else has to live your life. What type of life do you want it to be? Do you want to blend in with others and never be ridiculed or hated, yet live a boring and mediocre life? Or do you want to live an extraordinary life full of rewards at every turn? This is why they will hate you. Insecurity remember? They cannot have what you have because you committed long ago. We’ll talk soon.

Until then…

Keep it up,

Jet Sunvale