My friends,

We have all seen it. That person you went to high school or college with gets a high profile job, becomes a professional athlete, or simply works his/her ass off and becomes rich and here come the haters.

Sure, they get their fair share of fake love or cling ons, but the majority just want to criticize. Why does this happen? Well, its mostly psychological in nature.

You see, when people see other people doing something that they know for a fact they themselves cannot do (or can do but they’re being lazy) it makes them mad. It makes them frustrated. It makes them extremely angry to the point where they literally “hate” another person that has what they want.

It is extremely difficult for people to be happy for others when they are not happy with themselves.

We have all experienced this emotion to some degree. Some experience it to a much larger degree than others. This is human nature.

When you feel this emotion do not lash out negatively. Instead, harness this emotion and use it to drive you!

If you are weak, you spread lies and hate about the individual because in an indirect way they make you feelĀ negativeĀ about yourself. If you are a strong and confident individual you will use that energy to inspire your own aspirations and learn from those who have succeeded before you.

Any other reaction besides empowerment and motivation is weak and destroys you from the inside. Jealousy, defeat, covetousness, etc. are all BIG no no’s. I promise you my friend. You will put yourself in an even darker place then you already are if you happen to be experiencing these emotions.

People will hate what they see in others because they see the same things in themselves, good or bad. You can deny this all you want, but it is oftentimes true.

You know you can do better.

You know you can work harder.

You know you can save that money and make that investment, but you don’t, and when you see that guy/gal that did… it eats you alive! You know that could be you!! You just lack the discipline to make it happen.

I challenge you now to make a change and start heading in the direction you know will lead you to the end goal you desire. It isn’t all that complicated, but it does take discipline and time.

The things that happen to us in our lives can be complicated. What is not complicated is controlling the things you CAN control. It is that simple. You either do it or you don’t.

Now that we have established the emotion people experience you can begin to understand why so many view successful individuals as “cocky”.

Most people have the toughest time understanding that successful people do not owe them a damn thing.


If you are like me, this baffles you.

Just because someone is rich and/or famous does not mean they are your role model. It does not mean they should walk or talk or act the way you think they should.

You see this all the time with professional athletes when they choose to go to another team. Fans that once loved and adored them will burn their jerseys in the streets because they feel that the athlete “owed the fans” or “owed the city” something.

Here is the simplest way I explain this to people:

When was the last time someone you do not know personally tried to tell you where you were allowed to live and work?

Probably never, but if they did I am sure you would tell them to go piss up a rope.

A warranted response.

Or…how to spend your money? Or…how you should raise your kids?

You get the picture. There are many other ways we could fill in the blank. None of which are acceptable.

When folks in the limelight do not do what others think they should do they are called cocky, self absorbed, and every other adjective in the book.

Excessive celebrations are only excessive to YOU. It is all subjective. Negative, jealous, and self-absorbed people do not understand this concept.

We all know what they say about opinions.

Small minds talk about other people in a negative light. You are NOT God. It is not your job to judge others or determine their actions as right or wrong.

What is included in your responsibilities is worrying about your own actions and your own successes and your own failures.

If people would spend as much time on themselves as they do on others they would have one hell of a self improvement story.

No one is perfect. It takes incredible discipline and endless hours of hard work to be great. At the end of the day you have to do it for you.

Sure, you can look to your family, friends, mentors, and your idols for motivation, which you should. However, you MUST find it within yourself to dedicate your life to greatness.

It will not happen overnight, but remember my friends…


Until next time…

Keep it up,

Jet Sunvale