My outlook on life is very unique.
Over the years, I have gathered a wide range of multifaceted character traits.
I refuse to be labeled or limited to a specific character type.
I am unapologetically me and anti-PC.
Sometimes I’m a gentleman. Sometimes I’m rowdy.
Sometimes I hunt, fish, or go hiking.
Sometimes I bake, interior decorate, or go shopping.
I am never afraid to get my hands dirty, yet understand the importance of a skin care regimen.
I believe everyone should get under a heavy barbell multiple times per week.
This builds an aesthetic physique, immense strength, and confidence that carries over into other aspects of life.
I believe in early morning old fashioned hard work and the simple things in life that really matter – God, country, friends, and family.
I believe in late night extravagant festivities and enjoying the finer things in life – Designer fashion, exquisite cuisine, aged liquor, and luxury automobiles.
I scoff at those who live by the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none”. It is simply an excuse for mediocrity. The greatest athletes, visionaries, and leaders did not buy into this mediocrity! Instead, they lived by the idea “Jack of all trades, bows to no one, and easily outsmarts the master of one”. Versatility is your secret weapon in a world full of one trick ponies.


The Backwoods Boulevardier Lifestyle is a multifaceted collaboration of unique character traits.
It incorporates the appreciation and understanding of the arts, writing, business, fashion, and grooming combined with an emphasis on the importance of physical fitness, athleticism, and outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and sport shooting.
This vast array of character traits eclipses the standard box that most individuals are easily placed into. There is rarity and scarcity in variety.

The aim of this blog is to make you to step out of your comfort zone and educate yourself in areas of life you may not be familiar with!
I promise, its much better this way!
Being able to strike up a conversation with anyone is one thing, but adding real substance to that conversation to the point where that person does not have a choice but to remember you is another.
Open your mind and be willing to learn.
Some things you will be introduced to will seem somewhat unconventional, but it is based on real world knowledge that I have discovered over the years.
Fellas, just because you enjoy sports and the outdoors doesn’t mean you have to look like a bum when you take your girlfriend out to dinner and have greasy, unkept hair and skin.
On the flip side, if you are stylish and hygienic that does not mean you can’t learn to fish, hunt, or split wood to build the perfect bonfire.
I am here to help.

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