Hello Friends, 

As we enter a new year, you will for sure hear about everyone’s bullshit resolutions that they never keep. 

 Year after year they promise themselves change only to let themselves down. The next year, they make the same empty promises again, and they cycle continues.

I can’t stand this time of year for that exact reason and I am sure I am not the only one.

I hate to see people fail, but I hate to see people bitch even more due to their own self sabotage. 

Change and improvement should not be a once per year thing, it should be a year round thing. The date means nothing. 

So how do you kick ass, take names, and keep the promises you have made to yourself? 

Here are the 7 ways to succeed in 2020. 

1. Community 

Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are they people you aspire to be like? Are they ambitious, hardworking individuals? If you are not surrounding yourself with people who have already accomplished the goals you want to accomplish (or people that are at least in the process), then you are doing it wrong. Your community will mold you into the person you will eventually become, either for the better or for the worse. 

2. Time Management and Organizational Skills

You would be amazed at the amount of time people waste on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The average American watches about 4 HOURS of TV per day, which is why they are in fact, AVERAGE! Yes, you read that right. 4 HOURS! 4 hours of wasted time per day… do the math and then throw up in your mouth a little bit. I cannot fathom wasting that much time in a day, but people do it EVERY DAMN DAY. This is just one example. There are countless other ways people piss away time. It isn’t important which way someone chooses. What is important is that they realize it and stop. If you are not working on your physical, emotional, or financial it’s wasted time my friend.

3. Not Giving a F*ck About What Other People Think

Easier said than done, I know. However, once you figure out your own way of not giving a f*ck I promise your life will be so much more fulfilling. The easiest way I have found to achieve this mindset is understanding that no one lives your life but you. You have to look at yourself every morning in the mirror. You are looking at you. No one else is looking at you. Are you happy with what you see? No? Then change it! People can talk and disagree all they want. You are not living for them, you are living for you.

4. Forests

Yeah, like….. the woods, bro. Get outside. Not just outside in your apartment complex or your neighborhood where the houses are 3 feet apart and you can hear your neighbor taking a shit. Actually get out into nature. Its freeing. The air is purer, the bullshit is thinner. I literally get anxiety if I do not get out in some of God’s country on a regular basis. Try it!!! It makes you more productive!

5. Fight the Urge to Quit

Rome wasn’t built in a day. News Flash: Your million (or multimillion) dollar business won’t be either. It takes grinding your ass off and sometimes even grinding your d*ck off too. I know, terrible price to pay huh? Well, that’s what it takes. Getting rich quick only happens for 2 types of people. Trust fund babies and lottery winners. You are neither so get to work!

6. Suffer in the Beginning and Live Like a King in the End

Sorry, you have to pay your dues. Whatever your industry or passion may be I can almost guarantee your first deal will more than likely go terribly or crash and burn altogether. Sometimes it takes 99 “no’s” to get that one “YES!”. Thats life, get used to it. The important thing is that you don’t quit! Eventually you will succeed!

7. Set Aside Cash to go After a Huge Opportunity

I know this one sucks because it requires you to wait. We hate waiting. I hate waiting. It is human nature. We all hate to wait for anything now that we all have phones that can give us (almost) anything instantly! Because of that, saving money and the concept known as “Time Value of Money” is absolutely foreign to many people. You must either save money to go after a big deal, or leverage low/no interest loans to secure a major deal. Finding investors can be tough, especially ones that trust you early on, but once you are established there’s no shortage of folks ready to hand you money so you can make them money simply because they don’t have the time. Your time is valuable to them. Use it wisely!!!

In the end, you can make this year great or you can fill it with empty promises. It is up to you what type of year this will turn into. Just remember… no one cares, and no one owes you ANYTHING. If you want something in this life you have to take it! Sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Until next time…

Keep it up,

Jet Sunvale